Somerset Re-Acquainted
Progression of Lockdown through the Hedgerow
What began as a three week project of making lino cuts and test prints of plants as they came into blossom became a driving obsession as weeks turned into months through the lockdown. The entire series consists of 24 prints beginning with the fleshy leaved primroses of March through to the dog roses and honeysuckle of June and the final print of the thistle blooming in July. This visual documentary of the hedgerow through spring and summer would not have been made without lockdown.
Whatever has been going on in our human bubble with concerns about the pandemic, nature has been carrying on regardless with plants growing, blossoming and dying. Change is always evident in the hedgerow; each daily walk brings new surprises. The starkness of the prints in black on white is striking and somehow resonates with the starkness of the time.